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2024 Page Annual Conference

September 23-25
Half Moon Bay, CA
Intentional Innovation: How CCOs Build Trust in our Changing World

The conveyor belt of world-changing technologies is speeding up, spurring an unprecedented wave of innovation that spans geographies and industries. The rate of change is increasing competitive pressures that must be met with the CCO’s unique strengths — making sense of the business environment and anticipating change; understanding stakeholders and their needs;

The CCO innovators of this era can drive growth, improve society and benefit humanity through everything from advanced approaches to sustainability to deeper, more authentic human experiences. Unlocking this part of their role is an opportunity for CCOs to maximize their influence and impact.

At this year’s Page Annual Conference, we welcome members from around the world to join us in the shadow of Silicon Valley, a beating heart of innovation, to explore our role in a world where technology and trust intersect more profoundly than ever before. earning their trust and support; and maximizing the value our organizations create for them and the world. At the same time, CCOs are a necessary check on the potential for new technologies to cause harm. Balancing these responsibilities evinces the growing importance of our evolving role in resisting disruption and retaining business relevance.
Learn more about this event.

2024 Page Up Annual Conference

Wednesday, October 23, 2024 - Friday, October 25, 2024
Boston, MA
Living in Parallel Worlds
Your first meeting of the day is about an existential crisis. Your second is about an opportunity that could lift up an entire community. You’re tasked
with building strong personal connections while also using digital as your primary communication channel. The coming elections have you thinking
about your audiences and how they see and experience the world in dramatically different ways.

Society talks a lot about polarization, but as senior communicators, we’re really living in parallel worlds. Heartbreaking tragedy and uplifting joy. Analog
and digital. Liberal and Conservative. Global and local. Agency and Corporate. We are tasked with moving seamlessly between them and, at times, serving as a bridge. It’s the constant challenge and the source of tremendous satisfaction. It requires perspective, empathy, balance, and no shortage of
patience. We need to constantly update and refresh our skills and resources to live in these worlds.

Join us in Boston from October 23-25 for the Page Up Annual Conference, where we will talk about all of these worlds we live in. Through connection
and conversation, we’ll help each other find success for our brands and each other.
Learn more about this event.


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